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Individuals: Adults

Individuals: Adults

When things are difficult at college, university  or work, finding out that you have dyslexia is an important first step in understanding about yourself and moving forward positively.

We have included young people over 16 as it is important to hear their views and involve them in the assessment process.

We provide a dyslexia screening and assessment service for anyone who wants to explore whether they have a specific learning difference. We offer supportive and impartial advice and will be on hand to answer any questions.

After your assessment we offer feedback and give guidance on next steps.

Assessments for adults can be in-person at our centre in Berkhamsted or online:

Your assessment would take place in our centre in Berkhamsted. We allow a three-hour appointment, including breaks.

After the assessment you would be offered an online meeting or a call to discuss your report, provide feedback, answer your questions and give advice.

An online assessment can be a flexible option for you if you are studying or at work. You would need to be able to access a laptop or desktop computer and be in a quiet room with good lighting and no interruptions. The assessor would arrange a brief online chat before your assessment session to introduce themselves and also ensure that there is good connectivity, and you can both hear and see each other well.

The assessment can be a three-hour session, with breaks or in two shorter sessions. After the assessment there is an opportunity for an online meeting feedback to discuss your report and answer your questions

Get in touch

    Do you think you may have dyslexia but are not sure?

    We would advise a screening first to explore further.

    A screening will not give you a definite ‘yes’ or ‘no’ but may help to clarify things for you and help you to understand whether you have traits that are associated with dyslexia. It would also help you to decide whether it would be good to go ahead with an assessment.

    If you are at college or university, you may be able to have a free screening. Talk to your learning support department about your concerns.

    If you are at work, you may want to talk this through with your line manager or HR and they may be happy to fund an assessment for you. Please see our workplace information page.

    Our online screening checklists may give you a better idea of your strengths and challenges which could be signs of dyslexia. We can then contact you to discuss possible options:

    If you are studying, at work or are interested to explore whether you may be dyslexic please complete our Adult Checklist (for age 17 and over)

    Are you a student or at work?

    Once you have completed our Adult Checklist a  member of the team will be in touch and will give you a link to our online booking system so you can choose a date and time that suits you best. If you prefer, they can book the appointment for you and will be on hand to guide you and answer your questions.

    • If you are in 6th form or College we would also ask for feedback from people that teach you. This could be the SENDCo or your subject teachers. If you are happy with this we will provide a form for them to complete
    • If you are at work, it would be very helpful to have feedback from your line manager. If you are happy with this, we will provide a form

    This information would be shared with the specialist assessor and may be included in your report, with your consent

    You should have had an eye test recently (ideally within the last six months). If you wear glasses or use coloured overlays for reading , you should bring these with you to your appointment. If you or your family have any concerns about your hearing this should also be checked before the appointment.

    We can be flexible to meet your needs. An assessment can take place:

    • At our centre in Berkhamsted
    • Online- you would need good connectivity and be in a quiet, private space

    We allow a three hour appointment for an assessment – the assessor will spend some time discussing your reasons for wanting an assessment and your concerns.

    The session will involve a mixture of short tasks that will be different for each individual which will then give the assessor a clear picture of your unique profile of strengths and challenges so they can make recommendations to support you if you are studying or at work. They will also be able to make suggestions of books, websites or other resources that may be useful.

    The assessor may give you some general feedback but will not be able to give you a definite decision about whether you have dyslexia on the day.

    You will receive your report within 15 working days of the assessment. This is sent to you by email, but if you need a hard copy or any adaptations, like enlarged print please let us know.

    You will be able to arrange a time for a telephone or face to face consultation with the diagnostic assessor who will be able to answer any questions you may have and give advice and guidance.

    You are always welcome to book a further consultation in future, for example when moving on from university to work or you decide to change jobs and need advice.

    If you have dyslexia, we can advise you about support. We can work with you to agree an individual programme based on your needs and the results of your assessment.

    Areas covered would be different for everyone, but could include working on areas like:

    • Time management and organisation skills
    • Effective study skills
    • Developing confidence in writing
    • Using assistive technology

    If we do not have anyone within your area, we can signpost you to a suitably qualified dyslexia specialist.

    Feedback on our Adult Assessments